Monday, December 19, 2011

Request 0016

This one I really liked, it's the first time...well no, not the first time someone requested one of my characters with their own, I was glad to go ahead and give it to them. I think I might make a new feature in my requests and commissions about this. That's for a bit later though. For now, enjoy a Zsenith and a Scheknul.

I'll go ahead and say now that Zsenith will have two forms, one feline and one android. Since I can't seem to come up with a design for his android self enjoy some femboy...ish Zsenith.

Request 0015

Not much to say here past what was said in the previous post so here is the art.

Again with more anthro-cock. I suspect I'll have it down to a science soon. Taethefox everyone, user is on IB.

Request 0014

So I've closed requests recently to get some of my work load out. I gotta say I'm really impressing myself with being able to keep up with the line that piles up. could be much faster but at least it isn't like half a year. I'm assuming that sometime soon I'll be able to make it so that I can crank these things out as often as the common man changes his underwear.

Here we have a request for Lokai on FurAffinity, this is supposed to be an anthro Arcanine if you're wondering what's going on with the picture. I'm not good with pokemon okay?! I like how it turned out though, even the penis looks nice!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Request 0009

I have to say it's only been a couple weeks since I last posted a naughty for this part of the blog, I'm surprised at how few I'm getting them though. Maybe it's time I start stepping up the game, commissions here I come~.

Done for user on FurAffinity I also realize I forgot the tails now. I don't think that's what will be focused on though...