Monday, December 19, 2011

Request 0016

This one I really liked, it's the first time...well no, not the first time someone requested one of my characters with their own, I was glad to go ahead and give it to them. I think I might make a new feature in my requests and commissions about this. That's for a bit later though. For now, enjoy a Zsenith and a Scheknul.

I'll go ahead and say now that Zsenith will have two forms, one feline and one android. Since I can't seem to come up with a design for his android self enjoy some femboy...ish Zsenith.

Request 0015

Not much to say here past what was said in the previous post so here is the art.

Again with more anthro-cock. I suspect I'll have it down to a science soon. Taethefox everyone, user is on IB.

Request 0014

So I've closed requests recently to get some of my work load out. I gotta say I'm really impressing myself with being able to keep up with the line that piles up. could be much faster but at least it isn't like half a year. I'm assuming that sometime soon I'll be able to make it so that I can crank these things out as often as the common man changes his underwear.

Here we have a request for Lokai on FurAffinity, this is supposed to be an anthro Arcanine if you're wondering what's going on with the picture. I'm not good with pokemon okay?! I like how it turned out though, even the penis looks nice!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Request 0009

I have to say it's only been a couple weeks since I last posted a naughty for this part of the blog, I'm surprised at how few I'm getting them though. Maybe it's time I start stepping up the game, commissions here I come~.

Done for user on FurAffinity I also realize I forgot the tails now. I don't think that's what will be focused on though...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Between the Hills WIP

Hey all, it's been a looong while since I posted a sex picture. Or a pic of some kind of sexual content. Anyway I'll keep it short an' simple. Here we have Biscuit, a shemale, and Sabrina, my red skin woman.

Biscuit is owned by myself and my friend Bri.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Masturbation 2

The completed version. I'm impressed with myself. (Gotta love that penis also.)

Much love...

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I was blunt this time, I will not deny my enormous obsession with this character.

Her name is Biscuit. She is a hermaphrodite. I will love her forever.

You will love her as well with all her hyena goodness.
I also want to note now there are several anatomical wrongs with this pic...but I like it anyway.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

An odd way to practice...

So I got another Request done today one for a friend and her boyfran. Both of which I gotta say are quite frisky with each other heh...Anyway I'll keep it short this time.

PS, durrrr blue penis~.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Enjoying Themselves

I was an artistic slump so nothing really much to say here other than, "Damn that bunny has a lot to offer."

Snow and Maru folks.

And thank you Maru for helping me with my artistic slump.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Digital affection

Seems we have that one type of content that seems to creep up on everyone eh? I'll keep it plain and simple for you this time instead of going into a deep winded conversation about what went on in the making of this pic (especially since they both look the same...technically speaking).

Here we have Crystal (the dark grey Renamon) and Rea'ha (the yellow Renamon). Both Fan OC's of their respective creator.

Looks like the two are having fun, eh? I can't help feeling I made Crystal's legs too long though... Ah well...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dragons are feisty

Name says it all kids. Dragons like to eat well this particular one likes to please. I don't have too much of an entry for this one so lets get straight to the art why don't we?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A not-so-pleasant encounter

So I was up all last night working on another picture, a bit too adult to work on during the day, lest I be yelled at for drawing adult material in the house. Anything of this content has to be done during the night it seems... Anyway, for today's show I bring you Wolf x Snow Leopard fucking.

I say for a piece of sex I did pretty damn well don't ya think? Anyway, done for requester, name will be left anonymous until confirmed that identity wants to be known.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I know what you're all thinking, "Oh god not that crappy movie." well you'd be right to say that, because this has nothing to do with said crappy movie. This has to do with a Furaffinity User's OC.

This is Twilight, ain't she just a poser~. Twilight was the requester's OC and I gotta be honest it was REALLY hard to get her in the position the requester wanted but I worked something out. so here she is in all her nude, busty, dual-gendered glory.

Welcome to Section D

Welcome to the Section D of my blog web, probably the final section of my web. Then again probably not.

ANYWAY, this section will be dedicated to all adult works that I make. If it has sex or bodily fluids involved you can bet yourself that it'll end up here. So stay tuned and keep an eye out!